RB26DETT用フルキャストエキゾーストマニホールド発売Full Cast Exhaust Manifold for RB26DETT released
As a new Full Cast Exhaust Manifold, We release for RB26DETT,
All new, non welding one-piece structure made by full lost-wax casting ensures incredibly higher durability comparing to the old type which was weld-assembled structure made from pieces individually casted.

■Release date:13 Feb,2018
See each product page for more detail.
尚、既存製品(EXPREME エキゾーストマニホールド 品番:193084)は在庫がなくなり次第、販売を終了させて頂きますのでご検討の際は早めのご注文および、ご理解を賜りますよう宜しくお願い致します。
Therefore, current model(EXPREME EXHAUST MANIFOLD RB26DETT P/N:193084)
is for sale while stock lasts.