TOMEI POWERED (TOMEI MOTOR Inc.) Was founded as a company which specialized in professional racing by Seiichi Suzuki who was known as a driver for Nissan Motor Works in 1968.
From that time Seiichi Suzuki who was also and excellent tuner helped to achieve high scoring results in numerous races and made many legends.
Stories in which is still handed down as one of Japans historical race.
We completed and have been involved in various competition levels from Touring cars to Formula Cars and the D1GP series.
From the past, present and the future, TOMEI continues to complete in motor sports.
- 1968
- 神奈川県川崎市梶ヶ谷1030にて「東名自動車株式会社」を設立。
日産系のレース専門会社として、技術課/部品課の2部門を開業し事業を創業。 資本金1,300万円。 - 1971
- 同市宮前区野川1434-18に移転。
資本金1,950万円に増資。 - 1973
- GC/F2用のBMW・M12エンジンチューニングを手掛ける。
- 1978
- 創立10周年を迎える。
レース関連の部品、用品の製造、販売に着手。部品課販売管理面において、コンピュータシステムを導入。 - 1986
- 事業拡張に伴い、開発課/製造加工課を開設、工場を別棟に新設。
同時にコンピュータ制御カム研削盤及び、シャーシダイナモ測定機を導入。 - 1988
- 創立20周年を迎える。
無限F3000用MF308エンジンのメンテナンスを開始。株式会社ル・モンド社との提携によりTMスポーツブランドの企画製造、発売を開始。同時に販売代理店制度を実施。 - 1989
- ニッサン・モータースポーツ・インターナショナル株式会社からのF3エンジン開発委託により、日産CA18DEエンジンで全日本F3選手権レースにワークス参戦。
- 1990
- 無限F3用MF204エンジンのメンテナンスを開始。
全日本F3レースシリーズ、ランキング3位。マカオGPF3にワークス参戦。 - 1993
- 創立25周年を迎える。
日産F4用SR18DEエンジンの開発を開始。 - 1994
- 東京都町田市鶴間1737-3に移転、新社屋を竣工。
商品管理及び、経理面において第二次コンピュータシステムを導入。 - 1995
- 東京オートサロンショー国際カスタムカーコンテストにてグランプリを受賞。
マツダF4用BPエンジンのメンテナンスを開始。 - 1998
- 創立30周年を迎える。
シリーズチャンピオン獲得並びに、日本記録樹立(9.167秒)。 - 1999
- コンプリートエンジン発売開始。
豊田工機コンピュータ制御カムシャフト研削盤を追機導入。 - 2000
- 3次元CAD導入。
R34スカイラインGT-RにてDRAGレース。プロGT-Rクラス(スリックタイヤ)に参戦。 - 2002
- 東京プラント600HP動力計を追機導入。
ARMSタービンキットシリーズ発売開始。 - 2003
- 創立35周年を迎える。
エキゾーストシステム EXPREMEシリーズ発売開始。 - 2006
- アメリカ合衆国フロリダ州にTOMEI POWERED USA INC.を設立。
北米等に向けた事業を開始。 - 2008
- 創立40周年を迎える。
TOMEI CUSCO IMPREZAにてスーパーバトルファイナル(USA)参戦。総合優勝。
第四次コンピュータシステムを導入。 - 2014
海外向け事業についても日本にて執行とする。 - 2015
- JTEKT コンピュータ制御カムシャフト研削盤を追機導入。
2JZ36KIT搭載のJZX100にてフォーミュラドリフトジャパンに参戦。 - 2016
- 第五次コンピュータシステムを導入。
- 2018
- 創立50周年を迎える。
- 2019
- 3D測定機導入。
- 2021
- GLIONグループに参入。
第六次コンピュータシステムを導入。 - 2023
- 創立55周年を迎える。
- 1968
- TOMEI automobile was established at 1030 Kajigaya Kawasaki-city Kanagawa. We opened Engineering division and Parts division as a racing company for mainly NISSAN.
Paid-in Capital: 13 million Yen. - 1971
- Moved to 1431-18 Nogawa Miyamae-ku. Introduced 500HP dynamometer for measuring output of racing engine. Increased the capital to 19.5 million yen.
- 1973
- Tuned BMW・M12 racing engine for GC/F2 class.
- 1978
- Tenth anniversary of the company’s founding.
Attended all Japan F2 championship as a member of the maker supported racing team. Started manufacturing and distributing racing parts and products. Accordingly, adopted computer system for sales management in Parts division. - 1986
- Newly opened development division and manufacturing division and constructed factory building according to the business expansion. Digital camshaft grinding machine and chassis dynamometer were introduced at the same time.
- 1988
- Company’s 20th anniversary.
Introduced 800HP dynamometer in order to corresponding to the raise of max out put of the racing engine. Started maintaining MF308 engine for MUGEN F3000 racing car. Begun designing, manufacturing, and distributing the products from TM sports brand in association with Le monde. - 1989
- Attended all Japan F3 championship as a maker supported racing team with Nissan CA18DE engine which we developed by the commission for NISMO.
- 1990
- Started maintaining MF204 engine for MUGEN F3000 racing car.
Finished all Japan F3 championship series in 3rd place. Attended Macau GPF3 as a maker supported racing team. - 1993
- 25th anniversary of the company.
Started developing SR18DE racing engine for Nissan F4. - 1994
- Moved and constructed new building at 1737-3 Tsuruma Machida-city Tokyo.
Alternation of company name to TOMEI POWERED Incorporated, and imported the corporate identity strategy. The second stage of adoption of computer system in product management and accounting. - 1995
- Won grand prix in international custom car contest of Tokyo Auto Salon show.
Begun maintaining BP racing engine for Mazda F4. - 1998
- Reproduced MARUZEN-technica B110 Sunny for the 30th anniversary of the companyユs founding and displayed in Tokyo Auto Salon.
Presentation of the TOMEI Complete Engine.
Attended to radial class drag racing with R32 skyline GT-R. Finished the series in the first place and set Japan record (9.167sec). - 1999
- Official debut of TOMEI Complete Engine.
Debuted also in radial class drag racing with R34 skyline GT-R. Added second digital camshaft grinding machine. - 2000
- Introduction of 3dimention CAD system. The third stage of adoption of computer system.Competed in DRAGracing with our R34 Skyline GT-R drag racing tyre class.
- 2002
- Added 600hp hydraulic dynamometer to the pit.
Renewed TOMEI Complete Engine and added legal “DERIVE” and crate “GENESIS” engine to the lineup.Began new high performance turbo product line ARMS. - 2003
- 35th anniversary of the company’s founding.
Began with new Expreme exhaust product line. - 2006
- Established the North American Headquarters TOMEI POWERED USA INC. in California,USA.
- 2008
- 40th anniversary of the company.
Participated in the Super Battle Final in the USA with TOMEI CUSCO IMPREZA. Won the overall championship.
The 4th stage of adoption of computer system. - 2014
- TOMEI POWERED INC. (Japan office) has become responsible for overseas business of TOMEI brand.
- 2015
- Added JTEKT camshaft grinding machine.
Added Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine.
Entered Formula Drift Japan with a JZX100 equipped with a 2JZ36KIT. - 2016
- The 5th stage of adoption of computer system.
- 2018
- 50th anniversary of the company.
- 2019
- Added Coordinate Measuring Machines.
- 2021
- Enter the GLION Group.
The 6th stage of adoption of computer system. - 2023
- 55th anniversary of the company.